Friday, March 1, 2019
“On natural death†By Lewis Thomas Essay
From the moment all life forms be born, a journey is begun to the mysterious quarters of the unknown and the unexplained. It is a journey to the wizard place all beings are not sure of and fear the most. Whether or not it comes from old age, demise is a break out of the natural bike of life. In the endeavor On Natural Death by Lewis doubting doubting doubting doubting Thomas, goal is the spectacle of human and animal existence. He explores the world of death employ rhetorical writing style to effectively support his estimate of death. By victimization collimate sentences and telling techniques such as logos, pathos, and ethos, Thomas is able to demasculinize the perception of the creeping demon into an exotic stimulate.Thomas use of duplicate sentences creates his mood about death and why it is Natures strain to help us by means of it. He organises out in his evidence that pick outing books on death causes a person to wonder how they will react when they brushing d eath. He seeks to assure the reader by verbalism that if you know not how to die, never trouble yourself Nature will in a momentinstruct you she will do the business for you (275). The idea of the unknown creeps in the back of human thought because race are not sure how they will handle it ergo they read books to prepare them for the unexpected arrival of death. With the use of parallel sentence structure, he emphasizes to the reader that they will be taken care of if they are approach with the grim situation by repeating the backchat you. This technique and word usage engraves the concept of death in the mind and makes the audience keep company through the sentence confident that Nature will be at that place to assist them in the process.The road to death is a dreaded term man and animal wish not to face alone. Through Thomas elucidation, nature is the mother that guides the individual and makes the journey a peaceful one. He creates his effective essay by using persuasive t echniques such as pathos. Thomas illustrates that nature takes away the pain that accompanies death by notice a story of a field cower, at the jaws of an amiable kinfolk jackasswith pain beyond bearingall over his minuscular trunk (273). The mouse, at the gates of death, gets a shot of adrenaline, which dampened the mouses feeling of pain whilehe is dying in the cats orifice. Nature has created a security blanket that covers up the torment pain that causes death to be an unpleasant experience. He builds emotion by walking the reader through the mouses painful encounter with the house cat and his experience of death. He makes the audience feel the increase pain covering every particle of the mouses body until he dies.The mouses experience can be explained through reason and scientific analysis. Lewis brings out another persuasive technique, logos, to prove his point of the dying field mouse. He starts by stating that at the instant the mouse is trapped between the cats teeth, peptide hormones are released by cells in the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland to cause no pain to the dying mouse. (274). Thomas use of logos brings the reader up to speed on the scientific definition of death and pain. It explains how the body reacts when faced with death and uncertainty. The authors explanation of the bodily defense mechanism creates logic and reason for the phenomenon that occurs.Whether or not death is defined scientifically or spiritually, death is the last-ditch test of the endurance of ones character when faced with the end to fight or flee. Thomas excellent use of ethos in his essay best illustrates the endurance of ones character. He extracts a part of another essay by Montaigne to show how death can be an experience that causes a person to reconsideration life. Montaigne, during a riding accident, was caused to rethink the natural process of death and how it felt to come close to it. Thomas quoted Montaigne to illustrate that in order to get used to the idea of deaththere is nothing like coming close to it (274). By using Montaignes near death experience, Thomas is able to achieve ethos. Thomas wanted to exemplify to the audience that death is an experience that is more then(prenominal) the end of a life, but the reevaluation of ones rate of flow existence.With the current thoughts and experiments of death, Thomas has successfully instructed the reader toward his direction of thought. By using persuasive language and rhetorical writing style, he made his essay a convincing argument that death is a natural and exotic experience everyone iseventually faced with. The persuasive style of writing like parallel sentences, logos, ethos, and pathos draws the reader into the essay and makes him understand the idea of death. The reader gets the tactile sensation that natural death becomes an extraordinary and exhilarating experience all beings are destined to face.
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